Summer months is the time of the year when we spend more time outside.
However, the increased exposure to factors like sun, dry air, salty water, insects, and poisonous plants can cause some skin problems.
According to our experience and the experience of our clients, we listed, the most common skin care problems that may occur during hotter times of the year. An itchy rash or sunburned skin can quickly sideline summer fun. You can help keep your days carefree and easygoing. Read our post to find out what are the common skin problems and how to prevent them.
Skin breakout
Our body sweats more during summer. Heat and humidity cause increased sweat and oil production in the skin leading to clogged pores and increased breakouts. If you have skin that is prone to acne, this often means new breakouts.
To prevent this from happening, our Skin Expert recommends the following steps to prevent breakouts:
- Clean the sweat from your skin with a clean towel or cloth. Wiping sweat off can irritate your skin, which can lead to a breakout, so it’s important to use fabric that is more gentle.
- Wash sweaty clothes, headbands, towels, and hats before wearing them again.
- Swap your winter skincare routine for a lighter daily routine. Our Skin Expert recommends using lighter, water-based ‘lotions,’ not oil-based ‘creams.
- Exfoliate. Gentle-yet-effective exfoliating products are also key. Exfoliation increases cell turnover and decreases the likelihood of breakouts (in addition to treating fine lines and wrinkles), but it can increase sensitivity to the sun so it’s important to use sunscreen.
2. Dry, irritated skin – summer skin problem
So many of our amazing clients have mentioned that one of the summer problems for their skin is dry, irritated skin. Regardless of humidity in the air, you can still suffer from dry irritated skin. During summer months we spend more time outside – in the sun, pool, and air-conditioning. If your skin starts to feel dry and irritated despite the humidity, try these tips recommended by our Skin Expert:
- immediately after getting out of salty water or pool take a shower. Use gentle skincare products to clean your body.
- Apply broad-spectrum sun protection. Whenever you go outside just for one hour or longer, always apply SPF.
- Use gentle skincare products. Adjusting your skincare regimen to match the season might not seem important, but our Skin Expert confirms that skin does in fact have different needs during the summer. Leave behind your milky and creamy cleansers and instead go for more gentle cleansers.
- Carry moisturizer with you, so you can apply it after washing your hands and when your skin feels dry.
3. Heat rush
Heat rash is caused by blocked sweat glands.
Because the glands are blocked, sweat cannot get out and it builds up under your skin, which causes a rash and tiny, itchy bumps. When the bumps burst and release sweat, many people feel a prickly sensation on their skin.
Anything you can do during your daily summer routine to stop sweating profusely will help reduce your risk.
- Change your clothes. Wear light-weight, loose-fitting clothes made of cotton.
- If you want to exercise outdoors, try to do it during the coolest parts of the day or move your workout indoors where you can be in air-conditioning.
- Try to keep your skin cool by using cooling fans, cool showers, and air-conditioning when possible.
4. Sunburned skin
Our summer fun sometimes can cause sunburn. Sunburn is inflamed, painful skin that feels hot to the touch. It often appears within a few hours of being in the sun too long. You can help keep your days carefree and easygoing by learning how to prevent these summer skin problems.
Prevent sunburned skin by:
- Seek shade – we all love a little bit of sunshine, but remember, moderation is key.
- Wear a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, long sleeves, and pants when possible
- Apply sunscreen that offers broad-spectrum protection. What is the meaning of broad-spectrum sunscreen? By definition, broad-spectrum sunscreen is meant to protect your skin from harmful UVA (ultraviolet A radiation) and UVB (ultraviolet B radiation) rays.
5. Summer skin problem – hyperpigmentation.
Hyperpigmentation appears as darkened patches or spots on the skin that make it look uneven.
Hyperpigmentation typically appears on areas of skin that are regularly exposed to the sun such as the face and hands.
How can I protect my skin from hyperpigmentation?
- Using a broad-spectrum sunscreen every day can help prevent hyperpigmentation.
Whatever your skin’s natural colour, sun protection is the most significant step you can take in helping to prevent hyperpigmentation in the first place. It’s important to remember that the sun’s rays affect skin even on cloudy days, so give your skin the daily protection it needs. Be sure to apply the product thoroughly and reapply when appropriate.
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